Living eco-nomically, isn’t always economical when you are trying to manage all the things that we moms try to manage, but here are some economical ways to help you and your family live a greener lifestyle:
Save time and trips outside by using these compost bins that you can keep inside and then take all of your compost goodies to your outside pile once a week. These come in a variety of styles and starting at just 12.95. Fancier ones run as much as $60 and up. Not only does it save time, but you will be rewarded with great topsoil this spring!
Crafty Recycling
This winter, when the kids are clamoring for something “fun” to do, you’ll be glad that you saved those popsicle sticks from summer. Keep a box with cleaned items that you have saved which would otherwise have been easily discarded.
Beyond the Popsicle Sticks:
- Egg Cartons
- Waterbottles
- Milk Jugs
- Baby Wipes Containers
- Paper Towel/Toilet Paper Rolls
- Magazines (for cutting out pictures and letters from ads)
Possibilities are as wide as your child’s imagination!
Save on Wrapping Paper
- Keep the comics from Sunday’s papers to wrap gifts – comics fit shirt boxes perfect!
- Have your child decorate a box with their own creativity by gluing, pictures, old buttons, wall paper, bows, etc to create a one of a kind decorated box.
- Use a scarf or extra sewing fabric to wrap boxes instead of regular disposable paper. There are several online retailers who also sell fabric wrapping (See image below)
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