Northeast Ohio is a great place to live and here’s why. Plus, read on to learn about how you can win a $25 gift card to one of my favorite places.

Photo Credit: City of Cuyahoga Falls
Learn more about the best realtors in Cleveland .
Cleveland. The rust belt.
But do you know what’s happening in the rest belt? We are shaking off the rust and rising up. 1 NBA Championship, a World Series run and business is returning to the Main Streets of Northeast Ohio. Local businesses are giving the big box stores a run for their money. Communities are rising up. While downtown Cleveland is small in comparison to other big cities, there is an influx of downtown living and what was once a 9-5 city is now becoming a full community where people, live, work and play.
Northeast Ohio is made up of many communities, each with their own charm.
My community is Cuyahoga Falls, which was born as one of the many communities of the Akron tire industry and Cleveland steel industry in the early to middle 20th century.
The houses in Cuyahoga Falls vary between homes that are 100 years old to newly built. But it all blends beautifully.
Cuyahoga Falls, like Cleveland, is experiencing a rebirth. Main street in now in the process of being restored. There is a new shopping district and movie theater. All streets are in the process of being repaved. There are community parks abound and numberous community events throughtout the year, like Food Truck Rally’s, Concerts, Octoberfests, Irishfests, Farmer’s Markets and more. It’s what helps make this community a community.
When we first bought our house we planned to be here for 5 years then move to the “next bigger house”. Instead I love the community that I am raising my kids in so much, we have been here for 12 and don’t plan to go anywhere anytime soon. We can walk to the parks, restaurants, even the grocery store. We are only 20 minutes from the Cuyahoga Valley National Park and within 15 minutes of several Metroparks.
One of my favorite places to hang out in the Burntwood Tavern which is set right along the Cuyahoga River and has some of the best Moscow Mules you have ever had, (they also have a few other locations in Northeast Ohio.) One lucky reader will get a $25 gift certificate to the Burntwood Taven! Click the Rafflecopter box below and tell me your favorite place to eat in Northeast Ohio in the comments below to enter. 1 winner will be chosen at random at the close of the contest.
Disclaimer: This giveaway is a partnership with Nakturnal
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